It has been quite a year, and I felt like I needed a week off for some self-care. I also have a trip coming up FAST and wanted to make sure that I had enough content so when I leave I can actually enjoy my time there even though I will be filming as much as possible to document my trip! Did I mention I was going to Iceland? 

Typically I try to save for one trip each year. It takes a long time for me to save because I spend money on eating out, groceries, rent - you know - cost of living. Last year I was supposed to go to Norway but, much like this trip, it was very back and forth on whether I was even going to go! Why, you may ask? Because it was 2020, and the flight was scheduled for May. So, as it turns out, obviously I was not able to go to Norway. But! I still had the funds that I had saved over the past year. Hence Iceland!

Anyway, bloopers! I really enjoy putting these at the end of my videos because there is so much that goes on behind the scenes that I do not get to share unless I put these outtakes. Sometimes the ratio of actual footage to footage that actually makes it into the video is 10:1. But I watch it all, and take notes on it all just in case there is an opportunity to use it some time in the future. This has happened on more than one occasion, so I will continue taking my notes. This also was a goal that I made for myself this year - to organize my media library. I am aware of how “boring” that may sound, but when something is organised? I LOVE it. The process of organising my videos is not as glamorous as it may sound, if it sounds glamorous at all. I literally watch all of my videos, and then rename them according to what I think I would search when trying to find this exact video clip.

There are a few other things that have changed, I can see, from having watched these bloopers again and again (I only chose my favourite ones). I noticed that I changed where I sat. I used to sit in the dining room, near the kitchen, because the window was right in front of me and I had heard that the best light is natural light when you do not yet want to invest in a light setup. I also filmed a few bits in front of my computer upstairs in front of a ring light. Those are just fancy because in the video, you can see the ring of light in your eyes! I did not really like those all that much though because I did also use light from the room too which is too yellow. When I try to adjust the yellow in the editing software, it turns out terribly. This might mean that I am not using that tool correctly, but I just figured I could film as much as possible by the window, which brings us to the chair. It is alongside a window, which is great. I can adjust the shade, if it is too sunny, and there is a freakin’ Millennium Falcon right behind me. 

Over this past year, I have invested in so much anyway, with buying a camera (that one does not necessarily need to start). Lots of people start with just their phone and have made really good content in a great channel with just a phone. 

I also invested in a GoPro. Again, did I need it? Absolutely not. Same goes for the drone that I crashed into a tree in front of quite an audience. It was an accident, if it was not obvious enough. Have I used each and every one of the items that I have bought - kind of. I have collected quite a few tripods, most of which I do not use anymore. I have two tripods that I use and are my everything. One is fun and has adjustable, rearrangeable legs. The other is the standard tripod, but it is also extremely light and unbelievably easy to adjust up and down and all around. It is the best, and I would highly recommend both of these. The other tripods are not worth mentioning and I am looking to give away if I have not given them away already.

But actually I have used both the GoPro and the drone quite a bit. The mirrorless DSLR I really only use if I am at home. I have tried to travel with it, but without a camera case, it is way too fragile to carry everywhere. I like to protect my investments. Unless it is a drone, I guess! The reason that I have not invested in a camera case is because I would mostly need to carry it for actually travelling to different cities and countries. However, if at all possible (and it is possible) I like to carry as little as possible. I am not a minimalist packer, but I also am not one to wheel around my luggage or carry a giant backpacker rucksack. Nothing against those types of travellers, but I have chosen a different path and it is one where I have a front and back rucksack. 

Of the bloopers, my favourites are definitely the ones with my family. My mom is hilarious and my sister must have gotten that from her, but I guess it skipped over me! I am more Type A, I-laugh-at-my-own-jokes kind of funny. I am not sure whose humour I inherited, but it is enough to make these bloopers make me laugh still. 

So thanks for being here and following my journey. I appreciate this week of”rest”, but I also wanted to still share something on my regular schedule on Wednesday afternoon. I hope you enjoy these bloopers as much as I have enjoyed making content. 

* “Rest” is in quotations because I actually had to make 2-3 videos this week to catch up! YouTube is a tough gig, but if there is one thing that I have learned so far, it is that consistency is QUEEN.


Pimsleur Review | Completing the Spanish Series


Atalaya Mountain Trail | Hiking Solo in New Mexico