Now Streaming on Twitch // Caveblazers Gameplay

Guess what? Austin and I have started a Twitch channel! I know what you're thinking, "another social media platform? Really?" But hear me out, Twitch is actually pretty cool. It's a platform where you can watch others do activities live, mostly video games but also DJing.

I used to view playing video games as a waste of time, but I've come to realize that it can be a relatively productive activity, especially when you're spending quality time with friends and family. And let's be real, we all need a break from the daily grind every once in a while.

Austin introduces me to new games on Twitch, and even though he tells me the names, I just end up naming them by how they look or what they're about. So far, we've played games like Cooks Are Delicious (Cook, Serve, Delicious), the Falling Game (Towerfall), and the Cooking Game (Overcooked). They may not sound like much, but they're actually pretty fun.

Don't worry, I'm still all about productivity and squeezing in as many items on my to-do list as possible, but I've learned that moderation is key. Sometimes, taking a break to spend time with loved ones can be just what we need to recharge.

Question for you: Have you heard of Twitch? If so, what have you heard? It's not just for gamers anymore, and we're excited to explore different industries and interests on the platform.

If you liked this blog and video, don’t forget to subscribe if you haven't already. And if you're into Twitch, come check us out! :)


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