Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

I Bought a Used Toyota Prius

Selling a car is difficult, but buying a car? Also difficult. It’s just a stressful time, especially as an introvert where I might prefer to just do my car shopping online and not call or talk to a single person. But that’s not really an option when buying a used car because it is best-practice to get a feel for the car before you make such a large purchase.

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Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

Selling My Car Fast

I had a 2012 Ford Focus, and it is the third vehicle that I have sold. With the practice of video editing, I thought it would be fun to create a short car commercial of my car, and then post it on Craigslist. I managed to sell it in 4 days.

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Skill Mallory Solis Skill Mallory Solis

Bike Skills Balance | Riding With No Hands

This bike skill is something that you may need so that you can put on a jacket at the same time, drink some water, or eat a full meal, or maybe you just think it looks cool and it’s been on your bucket list of things to do for a while. In any case, learn how to balance with no hands while riding your bike.

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