Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Habit Stacking to Include Flossing | Atomic Habits

James Clear. That is all. Almost. There is such wisdom in these pages that goes much deeper than simply changing habits, which as it turns out isn’t that simple at all. Or it’s not as intuitive and as frustrating as relying on one’s own self-discipline. At some point, adding and removing various habits creates the person that we have always strived to be, and in that way we can be anything we want to be.

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Taking the FAA’s Drone License Exam

I finally decided, almost a year after having crashed my drone into a tree, that I am ready to study and take the FAA’s drone license exam. It’s expensive to take, and more expensive if failed, because payment is due each and every time it’s taken. Will a license granted by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) help my confidence after the traumatic experience?

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Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

I Bought a Used Toyota Prius

Selling a car is difficult, but buying a car? Also difficult. It’s just a stressful time, especially as an introvert where I might prefer to just do my car shopping online and not call or talk to a single person. But that’s not really an option when buying a used car because it is best-practice to get a feel for the car before you make such a large purchase.

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Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

Selling My Car Fast

I had a 2012 Ford Focus, and it is the third vehicle that I have sold. With the practice of video editing, I thought it would be fun to create a short car commercial of my car, and then post it on Craigslist. I managed to sell it in 4 days.

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Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis

Basic Anki Tutorial (for Languages)

If you’re learning a language, this free tool might be right up your alley. I don’t have money for private classes all the time, or even bigger classes, so I’ve downloaded this app called Anki. If you’ve heard of it you know that it’s a tool that uses spaced repetition, and here’s a quick, simple way to get started using it.

FYI This is not a sponsored video. I just really enjoy using the app for a simple flashcard review. I’m still learning about new apps that I can use to continue learning languages, and recently heard of Quizlet so I definitely need to check that one out too!

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Lifestyle, Skill Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Skill Mallory Solis

Habits of Highly Effective People | The Interdependent Ones

There are three independent habits and four interdependent habits within the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. If you want to work better in a family, or in a team, then these habits are for you. A few weeks ago I did a video on the first three habits of this book: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first. But no man is an island, and these last four habits focus on what it means to be part of a team, and how to work more effectively in that team. One of my favorite ideas in the book is that you can be efficient with things, but don't try being efficient with people.

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Skill Mallory Solis Skill Mallory Solis

Bike Skills Balance | Riding With No Hands

This bike skill is something that you may need so that you can put on a jacket at the same time, drink some water, or eat a full meal, or maybe you just think it looks cool and it’s been on your bucket list of things to do for a while. In any case, learn how to balance with no hands while riding your bike.

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Habits of Highly Effective People | The Independent Ones

After reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there are some main takeaways, from the first 3 habits (the independence-focused once), that I wanted to share for those who would rather a cliff notes version or people who would rather do something else than read, but would still like to be highly effective, or more so. Reading is my jam, so I happily share the main takeaways I learned about habits from Stephen Covey.

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

I Passed the Pilot Institute TRUST Test. You Can Too!

I had no idea that I needed to pass an FAA test to obtain a license in order to fly a drone. Seemed like an awful lot of trouble to just fly a little drone around for fun. As I flew one over the tennis courts, my opponent mentioned it off-handedly, and I freaked out. I had to pass the test, but I hadn’t taken an actual test in ages.

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Health, Skill Mallory Solis Health, Skill Mallory Solis

Yoga Crow Pose | Stretches and Warmup

If you’re looking to learn how to do the yoga crow pose, and you're a beginner, then look no further! I don’t typically practice yoga, but there are some yoga poses that just seem a little more fun and challenging than others. One of these is the crow pose. I found a yoga instructor that shares her advice and warm up tips, so let’s do this!

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