Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis

Stress Caused by a Dirty Room

Coming back from a trip means getting back into the flow of everyday life, which looks different for everyone. My most recent return to Austin felt like a whirlwind because of all of the things that I felt like I had to do immediately upon my arrival. That resulted in a disaster of a room which induces stress. What to do…

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Food, Health Mallory Solis Food, Health Mallory Solis

1 Month of Fresh N Lean Review (Ready Made Meals)

Try as I might, it takes a Herculean effort to get myself to cook which is part of the reason I was gifted 1 month of Fresh N Lean meals, so I bring you… my review. Fresh N Lean is a meal delivery service with a variety of meal type options, and it’s great because you just heat the meal up and eat it.

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Health, Skill Mallory Solis Health, Skill Mallory Solis

Yoga Crow Pose | Stretches and Warmup

If you’re looking to learn how to do the yoga crow pose, and you're a beginner, then look no further! I don’t typically practice yoga, but there are some yoga poses that just seem a little more fun and challenging than others. One of these is the crow pose. I found a yoga instructor that shares her advice and warm up tips, so let’s do this!

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Health, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Health, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

The Slow Living Movement

Slow Living, for the win! Okay, I'll try to be more chill, but my personality type seems to be the opposite of slow living. My aunt sent me an article about slow living, and after a lot of research, here are some beginner steps you can take towards a slower lifestyle because busy is not always better.

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Travel, Health Mallory Solis Travel, Health Mallory Solis

2021 Travel Thoughts

It's complicated because there are so many factors to consider. Already I've gone to Portland and Mexico (pre vaccine during COVID). I'm not done traveling yet though. I think.

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Lifestyle, Travel, Health Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Travel, Health Mallory Solis

Wahclella Falls Trail

Have you ever hiked the Wahclella Falls Trail? Have you even heard of the Wahclella Falls Trail? Well we just did this easy waterfall hike, and would like to tell you all about it. On the list of the things you’ll need: shoes and a car, but also to be near the Portland area. That would help.

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Health Mallory Solis Health Mallory Solis

#75cupcake Health Challenge

After 9 months, I wanted to share my Spanish lesson experience with a tutor that I found online who lives in Spain. Learning Spanish during quarantine can be difficult, but also as an introvert this is probably how I would choose to have Spanish lessons as an adult anyway.

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