Language & Culture, Growth Mallory Solis Language & Culture, Growth Mallory Solis

Practicing Spanish Conversation with my Parents

Both my mom and dad speak Spanish, and yet I was raised with English as a first language, and no Spanish at all apart from the high school Spanish that is forgotten (by most) within a few years. I’ve been learning Spanish since the beginning of the pandemic, and now comes the moment when I can actually talk to my parents in Spanish. To some level, at least.

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Language & Culture, Growth Mallory Solis Language & Culture, Growth Mallory Solis

Duolingo Learning Spanish | Level One Complete

Bite size chunks is how I’m getting through Duolingo. It’s quite the challenge, and takes lots of determination and persistence. This is the second checkpoint on my way to complete the entire Spanish series. Last time, I finished all of the stories available, and this time I’ve finished all of the lessons for level one. There are 6 levels, so I still have quite a bit to complete, and wanted to share a bit about my progress.

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Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis

Basic Anki Tutorial (for Languages)

If you’re learning a language, this free tool might be right up your alley. I don’t have money for private classes all the time, or even bigger classes, so I’ve downloaded this app called Anki. If you’ve heard of it you know that it’s a tool that uses spaced repetition, and here’s a quick, simple way to get started using it.

FYI This is not a sponsored video. I just really enjoy using the app for a simple flashcard review. I’m still learning about new apps that I can use to continue learning languages, and recently heard of Quizlet so I definitely need to check that one out too!

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Food, Language & Culture, Recipe Mallory Solis Food, Language & Culture, Recipe Mallory Solis

Making Tres Leches Cake | Culture from Grocery Store Recipes

As a Mexican-American, I struggle with my identity because I didn’t grow up with what I thought was the traditional “Mexican-American” lifestyle, in a Spanish-speaking household and didn’t know my grandparents for very long. In the past few years, I have realized that that part of me is important enough that I want to learn more about it, from Spanish to making tres leches cake.

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