Challenging Myself to Write in Another Language: Here's What Happened

I've got some exciting news to share with you today. I recently completed a language writing challenge, and it was quite the experience. If you've ever participated in NaNoWriMo, you know how challenging it can be to write that much in a month. But I decided to take it a step further and write in another language!

I started concentrating on Spanish just eight months ago, so I was a bit nervous to take on this challenge. But I decreased the daily word requirement from 1,667 to 500, and I found that it was doable. At first, I stuck closely to the prompts that I had compiled because I'm not great at coming up with things to say or writing small stories. But as the month went on, I started to feel more comfortable with expressing myself in Spanish.

Of course, there were some challenges along the way. Sometimes Google Docs would suggest a grammatical change, but I wouldn't understand why it was suggesting that change. Luckily, my Spanish teacher was there to help me out. He would go behind me and correct any grammatical errors or weird phrasings that I had. It was super helpful, especially when we went over it in a Spanish lesson.

Towards the middle of the month, I started to get a little overwhelmed. This is a busy time of year, and I'm still working my full-time job and creating videos for my YouTube channel. But I had one friend who commented on every single post about Españowrimo that I did, and that was very encouraging and motivating. So thanks, friend!

Overall, I felt a sense of pride throughout the entire month. I did what I set out to do, and that felt good about my Spanish language learning journey. I'm excited to continue writing, and I might even do a speaking challenge next. Who knows?


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