Travel, Reading Mallory Solis Travel, Reading Mallory Solis

5 Takeaways From Wanderess, a Book for Female Travelers

I just read this book called Wanderess, which is about female travelling (solo and group). I picked it up because I am a female traveler, and have travelled abroad to 10 countries solo. It’s an invigorating experience, and I have managed to learn a lot throughout the years, but was curious if I could learn anything new. I did. So I present to you, the 5 takeaways from this book.

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Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis

Stress Caused by a Dirty Room

Coming back from a trip means getting back into the flow of everyday life, which looks different for everyone. My most recent return to Austin felt like a whirlwind because of all of the things that I felt like I had to do immediately upon my arrival. That resulted in a disaster of a room which induces stress. What to do…

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Taking the FAA’s Drone License Exam

I finally decided, almost a year after having crashed my drone into a tree, that I am ready to study and take the FAA’s drone license exam. It’s expensive to take, and more expensive if failed, because payment is due each and every time it’s taken. Will a license granted by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) help my confidence after the traumatic experience?

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Growth Mallory Solis Growth Mallory Solis

Bloopers Reel #2

Who doesn't love bloopers? And what's better than a blooper than a compilation of bloopers?! Anyway, this is the second video of compilations.

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Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

I Bought a Used Toyota Prius

Selling a car is difficult, but buying a car? Also difficult. It’s just a stressful time, especially as an introvert where I might prefer to just do my car shopping online and not call or talk to a single person. But that’s not really an option when buying a used car because it is best-practice to get a feel for the car before you make such a large purchase.

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Food, Health Mallory Solis Food, Health Mallory Solis

1 Month of Fresh N Lean Review (Ready Made Meals)

Try as I might, it takes a Herculean effort to get myself to cook which is part of the reason I was gifted 1 month of Fresh N Lean meals, so I bring you… my review. Fresh N Lean is a meal delivery service with a variety of meal type options, and it’s great because you just heat the meal up and eat it.

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Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Skill Mallory Solis

Selling My Car Fast

I had a 2012 Ford Focus, and it is the third vehicle that I have sold. With the practice of video editing, I thought it would be fun to create a short car commercial of my car, and then post it on Craigslist. I managed to sell it in 4 days.

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Adulting, vlog, Self-Care Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Self-Care Mallory Solis

Coping with Burnout

I'm taking a day off from work in an attempt to try coping with the burnout I've been feeling. Usually I try and save up all of my vacation days to travel, but even when I travel, it seems like I have to be “on” all of the time. I spend my travel time trying to make sure that I don’t miss anything on my list which I’ve spent hours and hours researching already. Today, though, I decided I needed a little rest and relaxation for myself.

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Adulting, vlog, Food Mallory Solis Adulting, vlog, Food Mallory Solis

Hot Ones Challenge With Chicken Nuggets

My partner, Austin, doesn’t ask for a lot. In fact, it’s quite difficult to find out what he wants for his birthday, or anytime I want to get him a gift, so when he showed interest in doing the Hot Ones challenge, I didn’t blink twice. Let’s go! We invited a few friends because the more the merrier, and so we wouldn’t struggle all on our lonesome. LOL 

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Adulting, Growth, vlog Mallory Solis Adulting, Growth, vlog Mallory Solis

Never Enough Leo | The Struggle to Stay Present

Leo’s birthday just passed in February, which makes him now twelve (human) years old. I have a difficult time dealing with mortality, in general, but seeing my aging best friend who will always be that little puppy I picked up at the adoption center has been especially difficult. Aging is SO natural. It’s a part of life, but that doesn’t stop it from being an incredibly challenging time when I think about our future together. Time is a limited gift, and so we must enjoy it now.

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Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis Language & Culture, Growth, Skill Mallory Solis

Basic Anki Tutorial (for Languages)

If you’re learning a language, this free tool might be right up your alley. I don’t have money for private classes all the time, or even bigger classes, so I’ve downloaded this app called Anki. If you’ve heard of it you know that it’s a tool that uses spaced repetition, and here’s a quick, simple way to get started using it.

FYI This is not a sponsored video. I just really enjoy using the app for a simple flashcard review. I’m still learning about new apps that I can use to continue learning languages, and recently heard of Quizlet so I definitely need to check that one out too!

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Food, Language & Culture, Recipe Mallory Solis Food, Language & Culture, Recipe Mallory Solis

Making Tres Leches Cake | Culture from Grocery Store Recipes

As a Mexican-American, I struggle with my identity because I didn’t grow up with what I thought was the traditional “Mexican-American” lifestyle, in a Spanish-speaking household and didn’t know my grandparents for very long. In the past few years, I have realized that that part of me is important enough that I want to learn more about it, from Spanish to making tres leches cake.

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Food, Game, Adulting Mallory Solis Food, Game, Adulting Mallory Solis

Guess the Candy Bar Game

One of the most interesting/intriguing games at a baby shower (to me) is the diaper candy game, at least in my opinion. As a DINK (Dual Income No Kids), I don’t plan on having a baby shower, nor do I go to any. But I want to play this game without the candy being in a diaper! And I’m an adult now. I can have ice cream for breakfast, if I want. So we’re going to play the candy game because we can.

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