Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Habit Stacking to Include Flossing | Atomic Habits

James Clear. That is all. Almost. There is such wisdom in these pages that goes much deeper than simply changing habits, which as it turns out isn’t that simple at all. Or it’s not as intuitive and as frustrating as relying on one’s own self-discipline. At some point, adding and removing various habits creates the person that we have always strived to be, and in that way we can be anything we want to be.

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Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Adulting, Health Mallory Solis

Stress Caused by a Dirty Room

Coming back from a trip means getting back into the flow of everyday life, which looks different for everyone. My most recent return to Austin felt like a whirlwind because of all of the things that I felt like I had to do immediately upon my arrival. That resulted in a disaster of a room which induces stress. What to do…

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Taking the FAA’s Drone License Exam

I finally decided, almost a year after having crashed my drone into a tree, that I am ready to study and take the FAA’s drone license exam. It’s expensive to take, and more expensive if failed, because payment is due each and every time it’s taken. Will a license granted by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) help my confidence after the traumatic experience?

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Growth, Lifestyle, Self-Care Mallory Solis Growth, Lifestyle, Self-Care Mallory Solis

Self-Development Drawbacks | Gilleland Creek | Texas Hiking

Around the Austin area, okay - actually it’s closer to Pflugerville, there’s a 5.2 out-and-back hike called Gilleland Creek. It’s a completely paved trail, but I’d never been on it and I'm always game for a shiny, new hike. But also I'd like to reflect a bit about the self-development journey, and how that has impacted me (a bit).

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Growth, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Growth, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

2021 Year in Review (Goals Completed, Books Read)

This year started out with a bunch of goals (read: resolutions) but I was here, there, and all over the place. So this is just me reviewing what I did manage to accomplish, what I still need to work on, and what I’m not interested in working on anymore. Share your accomplishments too! And also your favourite books!

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Lifestyle Mallory Solis Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Guadalupe River Tubing | A Texas Activity

It’s been quite a year! Not even the one that I was expecting, but reflecting on this past year, I’d like to share my schedule, how long it takes to make one video, the support that I have had, and earnings. I feel like I’ve grown a lot over the past year, and have gained a lot of insight into the people that I surround myself with (in a good way - thank goodness).

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Lifestyle Mallory Solis Lifestyle Mallory Solis

One Year on YouTube Reflection

It’s been quite a year! Not even the one that I was expecting, but reflecting on this past year, I’d like to share my schedule, how long it takes to make one video, the support that I have had, and earnings. I feel like I’ve grown a lot over the past year, and have gained a lot of insight into the people that I surround myself with (in a good way - thank goodness).

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

Habits of Highly Effective People | The Independent Ones

After reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there are some main takeaways, from the first 3 habits (the independence-focused once), that I wanted to share for those who would rather a cliff notes version or people who would rather do something else than read, but would still like to be highly effective, or more so. Reading is my jam, so I happily share the main takeaways I learned about habits from Stephen Covey.

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Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Skill, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

I Passed the Pilot Institute TRUST Test. You Can Too!

I had no idea that I needed to pass an FAA test to obtain a license in order to fly a drone. Seemed like an awful lot of trouble to just fly a little drone around for fun. As I flew one over the tennis courts, my opponent mentioned it off-handedly, and I freaked out. I had to pass the test, but I hadn’t taken an actual test in ages.

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Health, Lifestyle Mallory Solis Health, Lifestyle Mallory Solis

The Slow Living Movement

Slow Living, for the win! Okay, I'll try to be more chill, but my personality type seems to be the opposite of slow living. My aunt sent me an article about slow living, and after a lot of research, here are some beginner steps you can take towards a slower lifestyle because busy is not always better.

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Lifestyle, Travel, Health Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Travel, Health Mallory Solis

Wahclella Falls Trail

Have you ever hiked the Wahclella Falls Trail? Have you even heard of the Wahclella Falls Trail? Well we just did this easy waterfall hike, and would like to tell you all about it. On the list of the things you’ll need: shoes and a car, but also to be near the Portland area. That would help.

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Lifestyle, Travel Mallory Solis Lifestyle, Travel Mallory Solis

Austin to Portland

I'm going from Austin to Portland, this 2021 flight will be one for the books since this is my first trip in the pandemic times. I live in Austin, my sister's in Portland and I'm going for a visit. I've heard flight travel has been quite safe, but we'll see.

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